Heysea Sealink 152 for sale with YPI

2016-07-04 1838

The 46.8 metre  Heysea Sealink152 has been listed for sale by  Yachting Partners International (YPI).

The Heysea Sealink 152 has an axe-bow design and a fully customisable layout which could accommodate up to 10 guests and nine crew. With a build time of under two years the Heysea Sealink 152 will feature electronics, equipment and engineering provided by recommended European or American suppliers.

▲YPI is the central agent for Heysea superyacht Sealink 152

Heysea not only understand build quality but they understand quality bespoke client service as standard,” said YPI director of sales, Russell Crump . “With the Heysea Sealink 152, the yard has produced a simple example interior design and are more than ready to adapt or change that interior according to client’s wishes. That includes paying for the services of a reputable interior designer or one of the client’s own choosing.”

YPI Group CEO and head of YPI Asia, Laurent Debart, added that Heysea offers clients a quality product and finish“at a fraction of the cost” of similar builds in the United States or Europe.

“China offers a new look and a new perspective on yachting,” said Debart. “They have the skill, the experience, the resources and the know-how to build quality luxury yachts to a very high standard. And in much the same way as many of our clients are now looking to reputable commercial yards to construct their new superyacht projects, we are convinced Heysea offer the right mix for clients to build in China and then enjoy wherever they are in the world.”

The Heysea Sealink152 has an asking price of $18,600,000.



海星游艇集团与国际知名超级游艇集团YPI合作,共推47米豪华超级游艇Sealink 152 

总长46.8m的Heysea Sealink 152已经列入Yachting Partners International(YPI)的销售目录中。

Heysea Sealink 152战斧式的船艏外形,可完全按客户需求定制内装布局,其可设计五间双人房和共容纳9位船员的多间船员房。Heysea Sealink 152将会由欧美厂商推荐的电子仪器、设备和材料配备建造而成,在两年内完工。

▲YPI是海星Sealink 152超级游艇的全球总代理商

“海星游艇不但是游艇建造品质的行家,更是以按客户定制服务的高品质为标准的佼佼者。”YPI的销售总监Russell Crump如是说,“关于Heysea Sealink 152, 海星已经落实了基本的内装设计,著名内装设计师(或客户自行选择设计师)将根据客户的意愿偏好来进行调整和修改。”

YPI集团的CEO、亚洲区负责人Laurent Debart先生, 更说道,海星游艇为客户提供高品质的游艇产品,(其拥有高规格质量细节追求和过人的设计创意)建造相同型号游艇相比欧美船厂来说成本却大大降低。


Heysea Sealink 152

